Honkai Impact 3 Wiki

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Honkai Impact 3 Wiki
This article is about the battlesuit. For the Memorial Arena boss, see Herrscher of the Void (Memorial Arena). For the general enemy Archive entry, see Herrscher Kiana.
Herrscher of the Void (Thumbnail)
Kiana Kaslana battlesuit added in Version 2.7.
Stable ranged AOE DPS.
Can evade through enemies.
Herrscher Form provides DPS spike.
Core Strengths
Time Mastery, Fast ATK, Aerial

Herrscher of the Void is a playable battlesuit in Honkai Impact 3rd.

Sources[ | ]

Stats[ | ]

SSS Rank
80 1871 255 668 192 56
SS Rank
80 1637 245 584 168 49
S Rank
80 1403 234 501 144 42

※All stats are taken from MiHoYo BBS.

Skills[ | ]

Rank-up Overview
  • Top Leader subskill Boundless Realm
    • unlocks at SS
  • Middle Leader subskill Void Throne
    • unlocks at S2
    • increases its level cap to maximum at SS2
  • Bottom Leader subskill Spatial Collapse
    • unlocks at SS3
  • Top Passive subskill Law of the Void
    • unlocks at S3
  • Bottom Passive subskill Honkai Mark
    • increases its level cap at S1
    • increases its level cap to maximum at SS1
  • Bottom Evasion subskill Suspended Space
    • unlocks at SSS
  • Bottom Ultimate subskill Void Empowerment
    • unlocks at SS

※Any numbers shown are for MAX level skills.

Skill Inputs[ | ]

Skill Input
Special Attack
Charge: Time Tremor
Tap and hold
Subspace Lance Skill
then release
Void Unleashed
With sufficient SP, tap
Void Unleashed Skill
Phase Shuttle
Phase Shuttle Skill
Basic ATK
Subspace Lance
Subspace Lance Skill
Subspace Lance Skill
Subspace Lance Skill
Subspace Lance Skill
Subspace Lance Skill

Guides[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

Battlesuit Guide by miHoYo

BBS Equipment Builds[ | ]

What is BBS and what do the meters mean?

BBS, an official Chinese equivalent to HoYoLAB for miHoYo games, has a Honkai Impact 3 wiki on which they present Captains with what is generally agreed on to be the best equipment builds available, aimed towards both the new and the veteran Captains. BBS separates gear recommendations by what we'll refer to as "tiers" and "criteria".

Tiers serve as means of separating all the different gear builds. Available tiers:

  • Recommended Equipment: Equipment build suited for what the battlesuit does the best. A lot of the times it's unique to just one specific battlesuit.
  • Auxiliary Equipment: Extra equipment build specifically for Supports, providing Captains with more alternatives.
  • Universal Equipment: Equipment build that is interchangeable with other characters performing the same role, without many drawbacks, or the most popular alternative to recommend equipment.
  • Transitional Equipment: Equipment build that can be used as a placeholder until a better gear is acquired. Easy to get since most if not all items are farmable. Good when starting out.

Criteria are visualized via meters that fill until they reach 100% - at which point the build fully meets the set criteria. Available criteria:

  • Offensive Ability: How much does the build help the battlesuit deal more dmg?
  • Functionality: How functional the build is when put together?
  • Compatibility: How well does the build fit the battlesuit's role/kit?
Recommended Equipment
Sirin - Ascendant (T) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Top
Sirin - Ascendant (M) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Middle
Sirin - Ascendant (B) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Bottom
Offensive Ability
Auxiliary Equipment
Gustav Klimt (T) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Top
Gustav Klimt (M) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Middle
Isaac Newton (B) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Bottom
Offensive Ability
Universal Equipment
Dirac (T) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Top
Ekaterina (M) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Middle
Dirac (B) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Bottom
Offensive Ability
Transitional Equipment
Marco Polo (T) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Top
Marco Polo (M) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Middle
Marco Polo (B) (Icon)
Frame (5 Stars) (NoText)
Stigmata Bottom
Offensive Ability

Gallery[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

Speculations[ | ]

Eden (Notice SVG)Speculations Ahead, Let's Talk Them Out
"Speculations" on this wiki refers to commentary or theories that seem plausible enough, but lack outright official confirmation.
As this content might be questioned by the community, information from this section shouldn't be quoted or referenced as if it was factual on other pages and, when referenced, it should be placed under a Speculations header there as well.

Other Languages[ | ]

Language Official Name Literal Translation (Unofficial)
English Herrscher of the Void
Kōng Zhī Lǜzhě
Ruler of the Void
Kōng Zhī Lǜzhě
Japanese 空の律者
Sora no Ritsu-sha
Ruler of the Void
Korean 공간의 율자
Gonggan-ui Yulja
Ruler of the Void
French Herrscher du néantHerrscher of the Void
Thai Herrscher of the Void
Vietnamese Herrscher of the Void
German Herrscher des VoidRuler of the Void
Indonesian Herrscher of the Void

Other Sites[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]

Sort Valkyrie (Playable Character) Battlesuit Navbox
001 Kiana Kaslana White Comet Chibi (Icon) White CometValkyrie Ranger Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie RangerVoid Drifter Chibi (Icon) Void DrifterDivine Prayer Chibi (Icon) Divine PrayerKnight Moonbeam Chibi (Icon) Knight MoonbeamHerrscher of the Void Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of the VoidHerrscher of Flamescion Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of FlamescionHerrscher of Finality Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of FinalityBa-Dum! Fiery Wishing Star Chibi (Icon) Ba-Dum! Fiery Wishing Star
002 Raiden Mei Crimson Impulse Chibi (Icon) Crimson ImpulseValkyrie Bladestrike Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie BladestrikeStriker Fulminata Chibi (Icon) Striker FulminataShadow Dash Chibi (Icon) Shadow DashDanzai Spectramancer Chibi (Icon) Danzai SpectramancerLightning Empress Chibi (Icon) Lightning EmpressHerrscher of Thunder Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of ThunderHerrscher of Origin Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of Origin
003 Bronya Zaychik Valkyrie Chariot Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie ChariotSnowy Sniper Chibi (Icon) Snowy SniperYamabuki Armor Chibi (Icon) Yamabuki ArmorDrive Kometa Chibi (Icon) Drive KometaWolf's Dawn Chibi (Icon) Wolf's DawnDimension Breaker Chibi (Icon) Dimension BreakerBlack Nucleus Chibi (Icon) Black NucleusHerrscher of Reason Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of ReasonHaxxor Bunny Chibi (Icon) Haxxor BunnySilverwing - N-EX Chibi (Icon) Silverwing: N-EXHerrscher of Truth Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of Truth
004 Murata Himeko Battle Storm Chibi (Icon) Battle StormValkyrie Triumph Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie TriumphScarlet Fusion Chibi (Icon) Scarlet FusionBlood Rose Chibi (Icon) Blood RoseKriegsmesser Chibi (Icon) KriegsmesserVermilion Knight - Eclipse Chibi (Icon) Vermilion Knight: Eclipse
005 Yae Sakura Gyakushinn Miko Chibi (Icon) Gyakushinn MikoGoushinnso Memento Chibi (Icon) Goushinnso MementoFlame Sakitama Chibi (Icon) Flame SakitamaDarkbolt Jonin Chibi (Icon) Darkbolt Jonin
006 Theresa Apocalypse Valkyrie Pledge Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie PledgeViolet Executer Chibi (Icon) Violet ExecuterTwilight Paladin Chibi (Icon) Twilight PaladinSakuno Rondo Chibi (Icon) Sakuno RondoCelestial Hymn Chibi (Icon) Celestial HymnLuna Kindred Chibi (Icon) Luna KindredStarlit Astrologos Chibi (Icon) Starlit AstrologosLunar Vow - Crimson Love Chibi (Icon) Lunar Vow: Crimson LoveSchicksal's Imperative Chibi (Icon) Schicksal's Imperative
007 Fu Hua Valkyrie Accipiter Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie AccipiterHawk of the Fog Chibi (Icon) Hawk of the FogPhoenix Chibi (Icon) PhoenixNight Squire Chibi (Icon) Night SquireShadow Knight Chibi (Icon) Shadow KnightAzure Empyrea Chibi (Icon) Azure EmpyreaHerrscher of Sentience Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of SentienceFenghuang of Vicissitude Chibi (Icon) Fenghuang of Vicissitude
008 Kallen Kaslana Ritual Imayoh Chibi (Icon) Ritual ImayohSixth Serenade Chibi (Icon) Sixth SerenadeSündenjäger Chibi (Icon) Sündenjäger
009 Rita Rossweisse Umbral Rose Chibi (Icon) Umbral RosePhantom Iron Chibi (Icon) Phantom IronArgent Knight - Artemis Chibi (Icon) Argent Knight: ArtemisFallen Rosemary Chibi (Icon) Fallen RosemarySpina Astera Chibi (Icon) Spina Astera
010 Seele Vollerei Swallowtail Phantasm Chibi (Icon) Swallowtail PhantasmStygian Nymph Chibi (Icon) Stygian NymphStarchasm Nyx Chibi (Icon) Starchasm NyxHerrscher of Rebirth Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of Rebirth
011 Liliya Olenyeva Blueberry Blitz Chibi (Icon) Blueberry Blitz
012 Rozaliya Olenyeva Molotov Cherry Chibi (Icon) Molotov CherryFervent Tempo Δ Chibi (Icon) Fervent Tempo Δ
013 Durandal Valkyrie Gloria Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie GloriaBright Knight - Excelsis Chibi (Icon) Bright Knight: ExcelsisDea Anchora Chibi (Icon) Dea AnchoraPalatinus Equinox Chibi (Icon) Palatinus EquinoxReign Solaris Chibi (Icon) Reign Solaris
014 Asuka Blazing Hope Chibi (Icon) Blazing Hope
015 Fischl Prinzessin der Verurteilung! Chibi (Icon) Prinzessin der Verurteilung!
016 Elysia Miss Pink Elf♪ Chibi (Icon) Miss Pink Elf♪Herrscher of Human - Ego Chibi (Icon) Herrscher of Human: Ego
017 Natasha Cioara Midnight Absinthe Chibi (Icon) Midnight Absinthe
018 Mobius Infinite Ouroboros Chibi (Icon) Infinite Ouroboros
019 Carole Pepper Sweet 'n' Spicy Chibi (Icon) Sweet 'n' Spicy
020 Pardofelis Reverist Calico Chibi (Icon) Reverist Calico
021 Aponia Disciplinary Perdition Chibi (Icon) Disciplinary Perdition
022 Eden Golden Diva Chibi (Icon) Golden Diva
023 Griseo Starry Impression Chibi (Icon) Starry ImpressionCosmic Expression Chibi (Icon) Cosmic Expression
024 Vill-V Helical Contraption Chibi (Icon) Helical Contraption
025 Li Sushang Jade Knight Chibi (Icon) Jade Knight
026 Ai Hyperion Λ Chrono Navi Chibi (Icon) Chrono Navi
027 Susannah Manatt Valkyrie Quicksand Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie Quicksand
028 PROMETHEUS Terminal Aide 0017 Chibi (Icon) Terminal Aide 0017
029 Misteln Schariac Dreamweaver Chibi (Icon) Dreamweaver
030 Shigure Kira Sugary Starburst Chibi (Icon) Sugary Starburst
031 Sirin Miracle ☆ Magical Girl Chibi (Icon) Miracle ☆ Magical Girl
032 Senadina Deepspace Anchor - First Light Chibi (Icon) Deepspace Anchor: First Light
033 Erdős Helia Valkyrie Boltstorm Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie Boltstorm
034 Coralie 6626 Planck Valkyrie Blastmetal Chibi (Icon) Valkyrie Blastmetal
035 Thelema Nutriscu


Mad Pleasure - Shadowbringer Chibi (Icon) Mad Pleasure: Shadowbringer
036 "Lantern"


Lone Destruction - Shadowchaser Chibi (Icon) Lone Destruction: Shadowchaser
037 Songque


Jovial Deception - Shadowdimmer Chibi (Icon) Jovial Deception: Shadowdimmer
038 Vita Lone Planetfarer Chibi (Icon) Lone Planetfarer
039 Sparkle


Thousand-Faced Maestro - Cameo! Chibi (Icon) Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo!

Notes[ | ]

References[ | ]
